Upcycling Fashion Waste In Singapore

UpFash - Reimagining Fashion With Upcycled Fabrics In Singapore

Textile Artist Singapore

Madam Roopa Sirisha, a visionary textile upcycling artist and the founder of Scrapplique Galore Singapore, is leading the charge in sustainable fashion and artistry in Singapore.

About Us
  • What is Textile Waste?

    "Textile waste is a growing problem in the fashion industry. Every year, billions of garments are produced and discarded, often ending up in landfills or incinerators. This not only harms the environment but also contributes to the depletion of natural resources. By embracing sustainable upcycle fashion, we can help reduce textile waste and create a more sustainable future.

  • Upcycling Textile Waste Singapore

    Join us in sustainable upcycling journey at Scrapplique Galore Singapore. We are passionate about transforming pre-loved clothing into unique fashion accessories and captivating textile art, all while combating textile waste. Join us on this eco-friendly journey.

  • Scrapplique Galore Singapore

    Scrapplique Galore Singapore is your gateway to a world of sustainable creativity. Founded by Roopa, a passionate textile waste artist, our mission is to combat textile waste, which poses a significant environmental challenge. We aim to reduce the burden on landfills like Semakau Landfill in Singapore by upcycling pre-loved clothing into unique fashion accessories and captivating textile art. Join us in our commitment to a greener planet and discover the beauty that can emerge from discarded fabrics.